we’re overjoyed you want to become a Volunteer foster & help save lives, however it’s important you understand the type of rescue we do!

Fostering encompasses caring for a cat or kittens volunteer trappers rescue from the street. We don’t have a facility, a shelter so we can’t save lives unless a foster is willing to share their love with the cats and kittens who don’t belong on the street.

Some fosters are short-term ( 1-4 weeks), some step up on an emergency basis, example, for the weekend and other fosters donate their love for several months. Being able to work together as a remote team is critical.

It’s important to understand the gritty, boots on the ground rescue work rescue work we do. This is rewarding, but very serious volunteer rescue work.

Like most small rescues, fosters provide food, litter and love.

Fosters are required to keep their foster kitty 150% SAFE at all times, meaning there’s absolutely no possible way for your foster to ever escape.

We require regular updates, photos & your insight into what the best home looks iike for each kitty.  We love teamwork, we encourage all our volunteers to be ambassadors, help cast a wide net and encourage more people to help these innocent little souls.

Luxe Paws assumes full responsibility for all medical care, fosters will NEVER take their foster to a vet & we do NOT reimburse fosters for medical care they obtain without WRITTEN pre-approval from our foster manager, Jenn.

If all the above sounds like a good fit, fill out our application below, tell us about your strengths & weaknesses, your eagerness to learn new skills! IF your application is approved, our foster coordinator schedule a phone interview & get you up & running.


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