Transporting Cats: Dropping off cats or kittens with foster’s, delivering medication, picking up supplies & other easy stuff.
Trapping Cats/TNR Support: Trap/Neuter/Return requires multiple levels of engagement, from local outreach/talking to the public and scouting TNR locations, coordinating with property owners and feeders for the actual trapping date, trapping cats ( every Tuesday night) & it requires a car to carry traps to each location & pick them up Sunday evening to return them back where they were trapped. TNR is serious volunteer work, it requires a passion for helping cats, a can do attitude, a willingness to persist, problem solve & a lot of patience.
Outreach/Events/Awareness: We always need help sharing our our social media content, posting on our local online neighborhood groups about TNR, our need for foster’s & adopter’s & why it’s important to reach out about fixing cats BEFORE there’s kittens. Have an idea for a great event or venue, throw it at us.
Remote Admin Team Support.: If you have a hour or 2 to donate each week, we need you! Want to assist interviewing foster’s, tracking the stats on each kitty on our rescue roster? Like managing a team & keeping this organized, we have all sorts of voids we must fill.
If you have any other talents that you think would be helpful, PLEASE use our contact form to let us know.